Victims of Ram Bomjon get re-victimized by Nepal’s authorities

Ganga Maya Moktan, Bomjon’s rape victim, had been effectively silenced. The families of disappeared personal servant nuns and monks of Bomjon had been threatened and intimidated to take back their police reports. Victims and witnesses of Bomjon’s crimes get bullied, cursed and must fear for their lives. Even if they survived the Hell that Bomjon created for them, their lives will be always in danger, as it is Nepal’s authorities and political leaders who do not provide them any protection, and it is Bomjon’s political supporters who stand behind attempts of re-kidnapping, disappearing and poisoning past victims and witnesses.

Featured image: Police chief getting blessing from Bomjon on 18 March 2012, during the time when just a few meters behind this podium I had been chained to a tree and tortured, including having been sexually abused at Bomjon’s order. The police knew about two women had been kept by Bomjon in his jungle chained to trees, even media knew about it. The witness of my kidnapping, a monk Tchegu Lama had also alerted the police and media right after he returned to Simara. Police did not come to rescue me all 3 months! Source: Facebook site of Dhundi Raj Bamjan, Bomjon’s follower. 

Below I describe the horrible re-victimization by the Nepali police (APF)’s two chiefs, as well as later on the money-savvy immigration police chiefs in Kathmandu’s Immigration detention. Yet the story is not at its end by this article. The repeated attempts of Bomjon’s followers to re-kidnap me and kill me by poisoning in the following years after my release are the next chapters of the horror-movie that a satanic cult hand-in-hand with corrupt politicians had produced for me in my beloved country Nepal between 2012 and 2019.

Bomjon’s followers are silencing victims and witnesses of the criminal complaints emerged in 2018 and 2019

I would have never come out with this shameful story about the police, if it was because of my own suffering. But I am very worried about the lives of Bomjon’s other victims and witnesses, and even of those who dared to publish about them, and wish to warn them by my own example. Partially my worries had been fulfilled when Nepali media and private YouTube records described how Bomjon’s followers had threatened them to stop to speak to media, take back police complaints.

Small and fragile rape-victim Ganga Maya, who had been rejected by her own Bomjon-fanatic father (she has no mother anymore), became totally abandoned and lonely and got no support from the Governmet and NGOs. She had been “deposited” to some “child care hostel”, they claim, and we don’y hear about her anymore. One video, which had been taken down immediately, writes in its text that ex-minister Mani Lama, Bomjon’s spokesperson, had forced Ganga Maya to sign a contract that she took back her accusations of rape, and would never again report Bomjon’s rape in the future! This is the last “news” about the 18 years old former nun who is totally alone against a brutal a and rich cult supported by the Government!

This first part of my own experience with how Nepal deals with its crime victims:


Image above: while I was chained and tortured in this Halkhoriya jungle, police chiefs had a comfortable meeting with Ram Bomjon’s VIP supporters (ex-minister Mani Lama is 2nd from left), just a 3 min. walk from my torture place! They knew me and Mata Ani had been held captive by chains and that our hands had been broken (they told it openly in the below video). They had been also alerted by the owner of the monastery I was staying in Simara, the monk Tchegu Lama and another witness. Yet they did not come to rescue me and Mata all 3 months! 

I had been grossly unfairly treated by the Nepalese authorities, police and so called Armed Police Forces (half-police-half-army) and Immigration police. First, they knew that I had been kept by Ram Bomjon in his jungle against my will, tied on chains, and even that he had broken my hands, from December 28 2011 till March 24, 2012! They clearly say this in a conversation with his followers in the below video. Yet, even when the witness of my kidnapping by Bomjon, Tchegu Lama of Simara, had alerted the police, they did not come to rescue me all 3 months. They also knew, they say in the same video, that another woman of Nijgadh had been held by Bomjon in torture.

See what the police inspector of Simara Krishna Prashad Sharma is telling to Bomjon’s followers who were torturing me in that jungle, and also attacked the journalists who came to investigate my whereabouts, at 10:21 min.:

I had been released only by Bomjon himself, at the pressure of 5 journalists who had been even attacked by Bomjon’s men at his order, when they came to investigate my disappearance. Police was not seen around during my release, 3 days after this video was filmed! Contrary to the media news and “wires” that Nepali police had released about my case on 24 March 2012, they did NOT RESCUE me from Bomjon’s captivity. This was a total lie, and till today it is spread even to Wikipedia. They had taken credit for something in what they had played a role of accomplices of Ram Bomjon! This can also happen only in Nepal!

Police not only did not rescue me from Bomjon’s torture, they had re-detained me after Bomjon’s release! When police appeared, after my half day rest in Simara, they had arrested me, nearly like as I was a criminal, though I was Bomjon’s tortured victim happy to have just survived hell.

I was hardly able to walk, was covered in bruises, traumatized, with two broken hands and a hole in my forehead and a victim of repeated sexual abuse. I was extremely emaciated, had no shoes, my bags had been all still held by Bomjon, and I could not take shower for three months.  The police did not allow me to get medical treatment. They took me from place to place, even carried me once to the Indian border, in that terrible physical and psychical state.


They wanted to force me in some snack-bar (Lama Hotel) to make a “police report” against Bomjon immediately, and now it is clear to me that this was because they only wanted a strong enough pressure to get more money of bribe from his followers. When I told I was too broken and had no power and no feeling of security just a few kilometers from the venue, while Bomjon himself was NOT arrested and NOT questioned, they told me with revenge that then I will be put to immigration jail. I was brought that same day, without any medical treatment. Even the sexual abuse could be easily determined if the police chiefs Bohara and Sharma allowed me to meet doctors. There was biological evidence on my body and all my wounds and fractures were a direct evidence of Bomjon’s torture. Instead, the police tried to silence me and the authorities to deport me as soon as possible.

Image above: APF policemen from the nearby Bhadrakali Army Camp line up for blessing by Bomjon in the Halkhoriya riverbed. Bomjon’s ex-mafia-leader Jas Bahadur Waiba’s son Uttam was also member of the same police barracks. Bhadrakali Army Camp is 6 km from Halkhoriya’s settlement and is at Piluwa village. Police had been always protecting only Bomjon, although he was never in danger from anything. They had always refused to protect Bomjon’s victims, and file complaints between 2006 and 2014. If they did, they cancelled them due to bribes handed over by Jas Bahadur Waiba, Mani Lama and other powerful men. 

Proofs of appalling police corruption in Nepal in 2019

I was similarly unfairly treated by the Immigration police in Kathmandu, where they put me together with about 50 immigration inmates in a room of about 20 m2, and did not allow me to use the phone and Internet to contact my friends and relatives. No one knew I was there. Bomjon had stolen my laptop, mobile, glasses and many other things, but the police did not take my things from him. If the other ladies in the detention did not share their food with me, I would also have nothing to eat, because they told me there was no free food in the immigration jail!

I was pressurized to pay 2600 USD (the amount had been varying every day) until the end of the week while I was not allowed to contact anyone abroad who could send me that money. Later the Honorary Consul (a Nepali) told me to write a fax to my Embassy in Delhi, to arrange the payment. In the police and Immigration Detention, everyone was concerned only about the money, no one cared about my terrible state after 3 months of torture, fractures, psychical trauma, and sexual violence! If I failed to pay in one week, they further traumatized me, a victim of 3 months’ torture on chains in the jungle, that they would send me to jail proper, for 4 years!

The Immigration Police probably thought that as a foreigner, somewhere in Europe I would have a family who would pay out any amount of money just to release me. I do not have such family. My child-hood schoolmate’s retired father could only help me, collecting all his pension savings to save me from Nepal! They did not allow me to contact my US or UK friends, where the money and salaries are stronger. My laptop and mobile was still held by Bomjon…(They are still there now, even after 7 years, now in 2019!).

The Immigration police did not treat me as a human being, a victim of crime, but only as a means to get money. Needless to say, they had even falsificated the date of my arrival to Nepal to increase the demanded amount.

The Nepali authorities had extracted visa fee and penalty fee from me even for the 3 months that I had spent involuntarily as Ram Bomjon’s captive, chained to a tree in his jungle compound and tortured! Nepal is the only country in the world, where a hostage and torture victim must pay for her time spent involuntarily on chains!

After I had been treated so inhumanly by Nepali police in Bara District and Kathmandu, the case which was in the open for many months in the Nepali media, had been NEVER investigated by Nepali police. Bomjon was NEVER even questioned, even if there was another woman Mata Ani tortured by him.  It is 8 years now, but the Nepali Police never brought him to justice for the torture and hostage taking of me and Mata in 2012!

In such a visibly grave bodily and mental condition I had been photographed by Kantipur journalist Suraj Kunwar in the Immigration jail. Behind me are the bags of the other inmates, not mine. I had nothing. All my things remained with my captor and torturer Bomjon. I was NOT a nun, but Bomjon let my hair cut and clad me in Buddhist colors to desecrate Buddhists. He accused me of witchcraft (!). An acceptable reason for Nepali police let him torture me 3 months in their full knowledge. 

I was a crime victim who barely survived the tortures, but Nepali police dealt with my visa only! They failed to allow me to exercise my human rights as a crime victim, failed to take rape evidence from my body (could help in investigation of course), failed to send me to medical treatment, failed to allow me to contact my Consul or Ambassador directly and immediately, failed to allow me to contact human rights organizations and a lawyer! 

After Nepal’s authorities had deported me on my own money, I did not get any chance for a police report, police investigation and fair justice anymore! Nepal had instead registered me as a “Persona Non Grata” so that I am never allowed to return and officially report Bomjon at police anymore!


The Kathmandu Post: For rape survivors in Nepal, police is not always their friend

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