Paedophiles in Nepal and the double-standard of police in dealing with them

What does Peter Dalglish, Ram Bahadur Bomjon and Nirmala Panta’s case have in common? They are all connected to accusations of pedophilia, sexual abuse of minors. But while the Canadian had been swiftly arrested and sentenced, Bomjon’s rape victim Ganga Maya’s police report had been rejected, and Nirmala Panta’s rapists-murderers walk free even after nearly one year, even when they are known.

Featured image is only illustrational! One of Bomjon’s child-followers during his Maitri Puja event worshiping the “divine guru”. Hopefully she will never become his nun and sexual victim. Brainwashed parents often dedicate their children to Ram Bomjon to make them his nuns and monks at very early age, often as toddlers. Ganga Maya had been dedicated to Bomjon by her father when she was about the age of this girl in the picture (6-7). She had been chosen to be one of his personal servants, looking after his and his wife’s needs. When she reached her 14 years, Bomjon started to rape her regularly! 

Nepal has many home-grown pedophiles, who not only indecently touch children, as Canadian Peter aid-worker Dalglish allegedly did, but even brutally rape and murder them, and they are still walking free. While, according to Al Jazeera Dalglish had been sentenced to “to nine years and seven years in jail in Nepal, to be served concurrently” for allegedly sexually abusing two boys, Nepalese pedophile Ram Bahadur Bomjon continues to abuse minor nuns in his Government-protected Ashrams, as his minor rape-victim Ganga Maya’s police report had been rejected! 13-years old rape and murder victim Nirmala Pant’s pedophile perpetrators are still not sentenced either, even if it is nearly one year after police had started “investigation”.

There is a very clear double-standard, when it comes to registering the case, investigating, convicting, arresting and sentencing foreigners versus (some high-profile) Nepalis for pedophilia crimes in Nepal!

Ganga Maya Moktan, the now 18 years old nun had been regularly raped by Ram Bahadur Bomjon from her 14 year on. Police in Kathmandu had rejected to register her case, instead they contacted her perpetrator’s spokesperson, who quickly invented a story to accuse her of stealing, and the police closed the case. Bomjon is very rich and powerful in Nepal, while the nun’s mother left her family, and her Bomjon-follower father also rejected her after the rape reports. After allegedly sending her to some “child protection” hostel by the police, she had disappeared. As a rape victim, she had nowhere to go, and has no future in Nepal where rape-victims are re-victimized by society… She had described many minor nuns being sexually abused by Ram Bomjon, yet the police refused to deal with her valuable witness account, even if it was confirmed by many other sources. 


Nirmala Panta, a 13 years old rape and murder victim, whose perpetrators are still walking free. 

It should be clear that I am not defending pedophiles in this article. I have never met Peter Dalglish and in general never had good opinion about foreigners living in Nepal like little kings in the name of aid-work. But I have also met quite a lot of foreign men and women in Nepal, who had spent their whole earnings and savings to pay Nepalese children’s schooling, had themselves built schools, medical centers and even family houses for locals, and they had been often caught up in confrontations after realizing they had been cheated by those they had been helping financially over years.

When problems started, it was usually when those who had been helped, wanted more, or there was jealousy from the side of those who were not as lucky. One who is able to chat with locals in Nepali, can get to the other side of the picture, and I did.


In the same time I really had seen foreign men (lots of them in Pokhara) about whom Nepalis told me they had been keeping young children in their usually luxurious rented flats or houses for “that reason”. No one really minded it: they were always well-paying guests, polite and good customers, after all… As far as foreign pedophiles can pay, even police is often vulnerable to bribes.

I was shocked, when in one of Pokhara’s famous orphanages, on a city hill-side at the Lake, I could see a very clear evidence to me why one man was trying to adopt an orphan girl of about 5 years, and why did he always bring lots of presents only to her. One could see it on his face. He had no wife and still wanted to adopt the child. The Nepali staff also had suspicions, but the orphanage owner herself, well-paid by the man, forbid them to interfere… I had written about my experience to child protection organizations in Nepal, but nothing happened. When I described my horror to my Nepali friends, they just informed me that everything can be solved by money in Nepal.

Such stories are sadly too many in Nepal. If one travels with open eyes, one can easily see them. And still, I have difficulties to jump into quick conclusions that Peter Dalglish is a pedophile. Below the video is one of the reasons, why. First let’s give a second thought to what we can see and hear in this video about Peter Dalglish. Listen to what the lawyer says  at 1:03 min.

“This has been like watching a wrongful conviction unfold in real time,” Dalglish’s Canadian lawyer, Nader Hasan, said in an interview Tuesday. “We have deep concerns about the process here, both from the perspective of procedural fairness of the court proceedings as well as certain tactics taken by the police and the state.” Canadian lawyer Nader Hasan said in an interview for North Shore News

“While the two complainants ended up giving damning testimony in court, they gave several versions of their stories at different times, the defence asserts.

Hasan, who said there will be an appeal, said the judge ignored “serious flaws” in the prosecution case.

“There ought to have been reasonable doubt,” Hasan said. “The police intimidation tactics and the police bribes and the police threats ought to have been insurmountable evidence of not just not guilty, but of actual innocence.”

Hasan said the Nepalese legal system, which operates largely in secrecy, bears little resemblance to anything in Canada — or many other countries. Among other problems, courts do not record proceedings or produce transcripts, leading to confusion about what witnesses actually said.” continues Mr. Hasan.

And a claim which no one could deny, who knows the Nepalese priority of eating “dahl-bhat” above anything else:

“His lawyers say in one incident, a witness helpful to the defence was testifying when the judge excused himself from the courtroom to go eat dinner. They say he told parties to carry on without him and that he would catch up with the court clerk afterwards.”

Based on my personal brutal experience in 2012 and also what I see and hear from the Nepali media and citizens, I can state for myself that:

Nepali police too often does not abide with the international law standards and human rights values, be it the investigation, gathering evidence, witness accounts or the conditions that the accused (or even the victim!) is kept in. 

Convictions can be also forced out under duress, which is still too wide-spread in Nepal, and it was present in the Nirmala Panta case, too, when police, who was hiding the real perpetrator, tried to force innocent people to confess to the crime, unleashing nation-wide street protests in which another teenager was shot dead by police.

Although in 2012 I knew police from the side of a victim, they behaved to me worse than to a perpetrator, and tried to force a police report out of me under extreme conditions and under duress, just to use it to extract more bribes from my perpetrators for closing the case.

My own experience with Nepali police and other state authorities is described in the article Victims of Ram Bomjon get re-victimized by Nepal’s authorities

With such an attitude to an innocent foreign victim of crime of torture and sexual abuse in Nepal, there is a serious reason not to take at face value Peter Dalglish’s pedophile accusations by Nepali authorities either! In my case police had not followed the law, justice and human rights, instead, further victimized the crime victim.


Deputy superintendent of Nepal Police Mr. Katwal, who long investigated Canadian aid-worker Peter Dalgish’s pedophilia allegations, told the Globe and Mail:

“We are pretty sure that the case will not fail,” he said in an interview. “The evidence is there, the confession is there, the victims clearly told the story of how they became victimized. So everything is crystal clear.”

In 2018 Bomjon’s rape victim Ganga Maya Moktan had been taken to Kathmandu’s Lalitpur police station by Sabitri Subedi, a women’s rights activist, and described the rapes in graphic details. The Police told her “to come tomorrow”. When she arrived the next day, they sent her to another police station, refusing to register her complaint against the Government-supported “Buddha Boy”. The other police station rejected her complaint right away, after, in the meantime, they had consulted the case with Bomjon’s ex-minister supporter Mani Lama. Ganga Maya’s description of the repeated rapes was also crystal clear! Yet Nepali police has double-standards and too many political and money-factors play role in “justice”. Ganga Maya’s complaint had been investigated and largely proved when had conducted a more than 3- months investigation and found out that the other nuns she had described as abused and tortured by Bomjon, Chunmo (Fulmaya Rumba), Dolmo (Chinimaya Tamang) and his lover Rita Bot had disappeared many years ago. Police was not interested in Setopati’s detailed investigation, neither in the complaints from the families of the missing girls, and the Government ordered the police to stop investigation in February 2019!

Similarly, there are countless articles about how the Nepali police in Kanchanpur had allegedly tampered with the evidence which could convict and help find the rapists and murderer of 13-years old Nirmala Panta. When a huge demonstration was held protesting against the injustice in Kathmandu, I had asked locals what is this about. They told me that in Kanchanpur people  suspected two boys, one was the son of a local mayor and the other the son of a local police chief! That’s why maybe the police had been trying to hide evidence, in such a primitive way as even by immediately burning the clothes of the victim! Then they tried to convince a few innocent people, but it provoked more anger in Nepal, and they were forced to release them.

Ganga Maya Moktan, who was 18 in 2018, but 14 when Bomjon started to rape her, had reported the rape case by Bomjon in Kathmandu to two police stations, but they had refused to even file it! Instead, they called Bomjon’s ex-politician spokesperson Mani Lama to tell his opinion about it. He accused the nun  of stealing, and inventing the rape story. Yet Ganga Maya Moktan had given valuable witness account to the disappearances of long-time nuns Chinimaya Tamanag and Fulmaya Rumba, whose families had also reported they were missing 4 years after leaving for Bomjon’s Ashram, yet the police refuses to investigate it either. Ganga Maya Moktan had herself disappeared…

See more: Series of sexual exploitation and violence in Bomjon’s ashrams

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The above photo from Prateek Daily newspaper (Nijgadh) shows Ram Bahadur Bomjon’s mother Maya Devi when she had reported at the police station of Kalaiya the kidnapping of her youngest, then 13-years old daughter Ranjita by her own son, Ram Bomjon in 2012. She had alleged that her son had been guilty of incest and sexually abusing his small sister. The police report came after Maya Devi and her other children had been all locked up and tortured by Bomjon and his followers for 5 days in Halkhoriya Jungle, after they came to ask him to let them take away Ranjita on April 2, 2012. Bomjon refused and by the help of his followers, armed with swords, violently attacked his own family members.

Canadian devotee, among many others, Devin Beu had eye-witnessed the whole event, and tried to get explanation when sending his email description to Bomjon’s followers, yet received only bully from them. He had also sent that email to me and to a French ex-follower Ivan Stankovic. Although many eye-witnesses had seen Bomjon’s attack and him keeping his small sister in Halkhoriya, police (the same as in the above photo) had cancelled Maya Devi’s written complaint. The reason? They had called Bomjon’s main briber, Jas Bahadur Waiba, asking him how much would he pay to stop the case. In front of the family members, the police inspector had accepted the offer of 70 000 NRP, which was a big money in 2012!

Bomjon with two of his many female companions: Nyanchenmo, in brown and his own sister Rinchenmo (Ranjita) in green. According to Bomjon’s rape victim Ganga Maya Moktan, who spoke to the media in 2018, Ranjita was among those nuns who had finally escaped from Ram Bomjon after could not bear his perverse behavior anymore. 

If the Nepali police could mobilize the same CID (secret police) experts and investigators IN THE CASES OF RAM BOMJON AND THE RAPE OF NIRMALA PANTA like they did in the case of  alleged foreign pedophiles like Peter Dalglish, their claims about the Canadian aid worker would be reliable.

Yet, because I know very well how unlawful is the behavior of Nepali police, and how much role are playing contacts, bribes and political contacts, I would be very careful to plainly accept the accusation of Peter Dalglish of pedophilia. 

I personally, based on my own experiences, do not believe there had been an unbiased investigation, a fair trial and that international law and human rights standards had been followed in the case of Peter Dalglish. And by this all I do not say he is surely not a pedophile. But the evidences are too weak and he is practically not given any chance to defend himself and to have contact with lawyers. If there is no fair trial, we should be always careful to destroy anyone’s life.

Sexual crime against minors is terrible, and police should take it seriously in Nepal. But interestingly, Nepalese police takes sexual crimes seriously in case of foreigners, yet fails in the case of the regularly raped minor Ganga Maya Moktan, and the raped and murdered Nirmala Panta, and in even my case, who had been also sexually abused during Bomjon’s torture at his order by another follower, although I was an adult.

I request the police to apply the same iron fist against rapists and torturers in Ram Bomjon Ashrams (including himself) and the rapist and murderer of Nirmala Panta as they had applied in case of Peter Dalglish, and stop to follow double standards when it comes to crime, law and police investigation! Or to release Peter Dalgish, similarly like Ram Bomjon and his torture-assistants continue untouched by justice already 10 years, and Nirmala Panta’s rapist is walking free even after nearly one year. 

One of the evidences investigators should have take into account in the Dalglish case, which should also be taken into account are two boys, now young men, Krishna Bahadur Gurung and Rishi Bastakoti whom he had been financially supporting from their 9th years and who stand behind him even now, at 7.29 min.:

Other sources used: How the international aid community again finds itself at centre of child exploitation allegations

The Globe and Mail: Peter Dalglish confesses to sexually abusing children, then recants, according to police dossier

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